Articles | Volume 7, issue 6
Research article
19 Nov 2013
Research article |  | 19 Nov 2013

Seasonal and annual mass balances of Mera and Pokalde glaciers (Nepal Himalaya) since 2007

P. Wagnon, C. Vincent, Y. Arnaud, E. Berthier, E. Vuillermoz, S. Gruber, M. Ménégoz, A. Gilbert, M. Dumont, J. M. Shea, D. Stumm, and B. K. Pokhrel

Related authors

Brief communication: Accurate and autonomous snow water equivalent measurements using a cosmic ray sensor on a Himalayan glacier
Navaraj Pokhrel, Patrick Wagnon, Fanny Brun, Arbindra Khadka, Tom Matthews, Audrey Goutard, Dibas Shrestha, Baker Perry, and Marion Réveillet
The Cryosphere, 18, 5913–5920,,, 2024
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Reanalysis of the longest mass balance series in Himalaya using a nonlinear model: Chhota Shigri Glacier (India)
Mohd Farooq Azam, Christian Vincent, Smriti Srivastava, Etienne Berthier, Patrick Wagnon, Himanshu Kaushik, Md. Arif Hussain, Manoj Kumar Munda, Arindan Mandal, and Alagappan Ramanathan
The Cryosphere, 18, 5653–5672,,, 2024
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Mapping and characterization of avalanches on mountain glaciers with Sentinel-1 satellite imagery
Marin Kneib, Amaury Dehecq, Fanny Brun, Fatima Karbou, Laurane Charrier, Silvan Leinss, Patrick Wagnon, and Fabien Maussion
The Cryosphere, 18, 2809–2830,,, 2024
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Everest South Col Glacier did not thin during the period 1984–2017
Fanny Brun, Owen King, Marion Réveillet, Charles Amory, Anton Planchot, Etienne Berthier, Amaury Dehecq, Tobias Bolch, Kévin Fourteau, Julien Brondex, Marie Dumont, Christoph Mayer, Silvan Leinss, Romain Hugonnet, and Patrick Wagnon
The Cryosphere, 17, 3251–3268,,, 2023
Short summary
An 11-year record of wintertime snow-surface energy balance and sublimation at 4863 m a.s.l. on the Chhota Shigri Glacier moraine (western Himalaya, India)
Arindan Mandal, Thupstan Angchuk, Mohd Farooq Azam, Alagappan Ramanathan, Patrick Wagnon, Mohd Soheb, and Chetan Singh
The Cryosphere, 16, 3775–3799,,, 2022
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Physics-aware machine learning for glacier ice thickness estimation: a case study for Svalbard
Viola Steidl, Jonathan Louis Bamber, and Xiao Xiang Zhu
The Cryosphere, 19, 645–661,,, 2025
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A quasi-one-dimensional ice mélange flow model based on continuum descriptions of granular materials
Jason M. Amundson, Alexander A. Robel, Justin C. Burton, and Kavinda Nissanka
The Cryosphere, 19, 19–35,,, 2025
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Linking glacier retreat with climate change on the Tibetan Plateau through satellite remote sensing
Fumeng Zhao, Wenping Gong, Silvia Bianchini, and Zhongkang Yang
The Cryosphere, 18, 5595–5612,,, 2024
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Twenty-first century global glacier evolution under CMIP6 scenarios and the role of glacier-specific observations
Harry Zekollari, Matthias Huss, Lilian Schuster, Fabien Maussion, David R. Rounce, Rodrigo Aguayo, Nicolas Champollion, Loris Compagno, Romain Hugonnet, Ben Marzeion, Seyedhamidreza Mojtabavi, and Daniel Farinotti
The Cryosphere, 18, 5045–5066,,, 2024
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Oliver J. Marsh, Adrian J. Luckman, and Dominic A. Hodgson
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Cited articles

Ageta, Y. and Higuchi, K.: Estimation of mass balance components of a summer-accumulation type glacier in the Nepal Himalaya, Geogr. Ann. A, 66, 249–255, 1984.
Ageta, Y. and Fujita, K.: Characteristics of mass balance of summer-accumulation type glaciers in the Himalayas and Tibetan Plateau, Z. Gletscherkd. Glazialgeol., 32, 61–65, 1996.
Ageta, Y., Ohata, T., Tanaka, Y., Ikegami, K., and Higuchi, K.: Mass balance of Glacier AX010 in Shorong Himal, east Nepal during the summer monsoon season, Seppyo, J. Jpn. Soc. Snow Ice, 41, 34–41, 1980.
Azam, M. F., Wagnon, P., Ramanathan, A., Vincent, C., Sharma, P., Arnaud, Y., Linda, A., Pottakkal, J., Chevallier, P., Singh, V. B., and Berthier, E.: From balance to imbalance: a shift in the dynamic behaviour of Chhota Shigri Glacier (Western Himalaya, India), J. Glaciol., 58, 315–324,, 2012.