Articles | Volume 7, issue 4
Research article
24 Jul 2013
Research article |  | 24 Jul 2013

Snow spectral albedo at Summit, Greenland: measurements and numerical simulations based on physical and chemical properties of the snowpack

C. M. Carmagnola, F. Domine, M. Dumont, P. Wright, B. Strellis, M. Bergin, J. Dibb, G. Picard, Q. Libois, L. Arnaud, and S. Morin

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Implementation and evaluation of prognostic representations of the optical diameter of snow in the SURFEX/ISBA-Crocus detailed snowpack model
C. M. Carmagnola, S. Morin, M. Lafaysse, F. Domine, B. Lesaffre, Y. Lejeune, G. Picard, and L. Arnaud
The Cryosphere, 8, 417–437,,, 2014
Influence of grain shape on light penetration in snow
Q. Libois, G. Picard, J. L. France, L. Arnaud, M. Dumont, C. M. Carmagnola, and M. D. King
The Cryosphere, 7, 1803–1818,,, 2013

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Energy Balance Obs/Modelling
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The Cryosphere, 19, 1031–1046,,, 2025
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Brief communication: Accurate and autonomous snow water equivalent measurements using a cosmic ray sensor on a Himalayan glacier
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Surface heat fluxes at coarse blocky Murtèl rock glacier (Engadine, eastern Swiss Alps)
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The Cryosphere, 18, 2103–2139,,, 2024
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Modeling snowpack dynamics and surface energy budget in boreal and subarctic peatlands and forests
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Cited articles

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