Articles | Volume 9, issue 6
Research article
02 Nov 2015
Research article |  | 02 Nov 2015

Elevation change of the Greenland Ice Sheet due to surface mass balance and firn processes, 1960–2014

P. Kuipers Munneke, S. R. M. Ligtenberg, B. P. Y. Noël, I. M. Howat, J. E. Box, E. Mosley-Thompson, J. R. McConnell, K. Steffen, J. T. Harper, S. B. Das, and M. R. van den Broeke

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Cited articles

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Box, J. E., Cressie, N., Bromwich, D. H., Jung, J.-H., Van den Broeke, M. R., Van Angelen, J. H., Forster, R. R., Miège, C., Mosley-Thompson, E., Vinther, B., and McConnell, J. R.: Greenland Ice Sheet mass balance reconstruction, Part I: net snow accumulation (1600–2009), J. Climate, 26, 3919–3934,, 2013.
Braithwaite, R. J., Laternser, M., and Pfeffer, W. T.: Variations of near-surface firn density in the lower accumulation area of the Greenland ice sheet, Pâkitsoq, West Greenland, J. Glaciol., 40, 477–485, 1994.
Short summary
The snow layer on top of the Greenland Ice Sheet is changing: it is thickening in the high and cold interior due to increased snowfall, while it is thinning around the margins. The marginal thinning is caused by compaction, and by more melt. This knowledge is important: there are satellites that measure volume change of the ice sheet. It can be caused by increased ice discharge, or by compaction of the snow layer. Here, we quantify the latter, so that we can translate volume to mass change.