Articles | Volume 10, issue 4
Research article
 | Highlight paper
11 Aug 2016
Research article | Highlight paper |  | 11 Aug 2016

Annual Greenland accumulation rates (2009–2012) from airborne snow radar

Lora S. Koenig, Alvaro Ivanoff, Patrick M. Alexander, Joseph A. MacGregor, Xavier Fettweis, Ben Panzer, John D. Paden, Richard R. Forster, Indrani Das, Joesph R. McConnell, Marco Tedesco, Carl Leuschen, and Prasad Gogineni

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Cited articles

Alexander, P. M., Tedesco, M., Fettweis, X., van de Wal, R. S. W., Smeets, C. J. P. P., and van den Broeke, M. R.: Assessing spatio-temporal variability and trends in modelled and measured Greenland Ice Sheet albedo (2000–2013), The Cryosphere, 8, 2293–2312,, 2014.
Alley, R. B., Saltzman, E. S., Cuffey, K. M., and Fitzpatrick, J. J.: Summertime formation of Depth Hoar in central Greenland, Geophys. Res. Lett., 17, 2393–2396, 1990.
Anschütz, H., Steinhage, D., Eisen, O., Oerter, H., Horwath, M., and Ruth, U.: Small-scale spatio-temporal characteristics of accumulation rates in western Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica, J. Glaciol., 54, 315–323, 2008.
Arcone, S. A., Spikes, V. B., and Hamilton, G. S.: Phase structure of radar stratigraphic horizons within Antarctic firn, Ann. Glaciol., 41, 10–16, 2005.
Baker, I: NEEM Firn Core 2009S2 Density and Permeability, NSF Arctic Data Center,, 2012.
Short summary
Contemporary climate warming over the Arctic is accelerating mass loss from the Greenland Ice Sheet through increasing surface melt, emphasizing the need to closely monitor surface mass balance in order to improve sea-level rise predictions. Here, we quantify the net annual accumulation over the Greenland Ice Sheet, which comprises the largest component of surface mass balance, at a higher spatial resolution than currently available using high-resolution, airborne-radar data.