Articles | Volume 10, issue 3
Research article
21 Jun 2016
Research article |  | 21 Jun 2016

Development and calibration of an automatic spectral albedometer to estimate near-surface snow SSA time series

Ghislain Picard, Quentin Libois, Laurent Arnaud, Gauthier Verin, and Marie Dumont

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Cited articles

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Bogren, W. S., Burkhart, J. F., and Kylling, A.: Tilt error in cryospheric surface radiation measurements at high latitudes: a model study, The Cryosphere, 10, 613–622,, 2016.
Carmagnola, C. M., Domine, F., Dumont, M., Wright, P., Strellis, B., Bergin, M., Dibb, J., Picard, G., Libois, Q., Arnaud, L., and Morin, S.: Snow spectral albedo at Summit, Greenland: measurements and numerical simulations based on physical and chemical properties of the snowpack, The Cryosphere, 7, 1139–1160,, 2013.
Short summary
Albedo of snow surfaces depends on snow grain size. By measuring albedo during 3 years at Dome C in Antarctica with an automatic spectroradiometer, we were able to monitor the snow specific surface area and show an overall growth of the grains in spring and summer followed by an accumulation of small-grained snow from mid-summer. This study focuses on the uncertainties due to the spectroradiometer and concludes that the observed variations are significant with respect to the precision.