Articles | Volume 10, issue 2
Research article
26 Apr 2016
Research article |  | 26 Apr 2016

Improved GRACE regional mass balance estimates of the Greenland ice sheet cross-validated with the input–output method

Zheng Xu, Ernst J. O. Schrama, Wouter van der Wal, Michiel van den Broeke, and Ellyn M. Enderlin

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Barletta, V. R., Sørensen, L. S., and Forsberg, R.: Scatter of mass changes estimates at basin scale for Greenland and Antarctica, The Cryosphere, 7, 1411–1432,, 2013.
Bolch, T., Sandberg, S. L., Simonsen, S. B., Mölg, N., Machguth, H., Rastner, P., and Paul, F.: Mass loss of Greenland's glaciers and ice caps 2003–2008 revealed from ICESat data, Geophys. Res. Lett., 40, 875–881,, 2013.
Bonin, J. and Chambers, D.: Uncertainty estimates of a GRACE inversion modelling technique over Greenland using a simulation, Geophys. J. Int., 194, 212–229, 2013.
Short summary
In this paper, we compare the regional mass changes of the Greenland ice sheet between the solutions based on GRACE data and input/output method. Differences are found in some regions and indicate errors in those solutions. Therefore we improve our GRACE and IOM solutions by applying a simulation. We show the improved regional mass changes approximations are more consistent in regions. The remaining difference in the northwester Greenland is due to the underestimated uncertainty in IOM solution.