Articles | Volume 17, issue 2
Research article
10 Feb 2023
Research article |  | 10 Feb 2023

Evaluation of E3SM land model snow simulations over the western United States

Dalei Hao, Gautam Bisht, Karl Rittger, Timbo Stillinger, Edward Bair, Yu Gu, and L. Ruby Leung

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Anttila, K., Manninen, T., Jääskeläinen, E., Riihelä, A., and Lahtinen, P.: The Role of Climate and Land Use in the Changes in Surface Albedo Prior to Snow Melt and the Timing of Melt Season of Seasonal Snow in Northern Land Areas of 40 N–80 N during 1982–2015, Remote Sens., 10, 1619,, 2018. 
Bair, E. H., Rittger, K., Davis, R. E., Painter, T. H., and Dozier, J.: Validating reconstruction of snow water equivalent in California's Sierra Nevada using measurements from the NASA Airborne Snow Observatory, Water Resour. Res., 52, 8437–8460, 2016. 
Bair, E. H., Rittger, K., Skiles, S. M., and Dozier, J.: An Examination of Snow Albedo Estimates From MODIS and Their Impact on Snow Water Equivalent Reconstruction, Water Resour. Res., 55, 7826–7842, 2019. 
Bair, E.: edwardbair/SPIRES, GitHub [code],, last access: 4 February 2023. 
Bair, E., Stillinger, T., Rittger, K., and Skiles, M.: COVID-19 lockdowns show reduced pollution on snow and ice in the Indus River Basin, P. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 118, e2101174118,, 2021a. 
Short summary
We comprehensively evaluated the snow simulations in E3SM land model over the western United States in terms of spatial patterns, temporal correlations, interannual variabilities, elevation gradients, and change with forest cover of snow properties and snow phenology. Our study underscores the need for diagnosing model biases and improving the model representations of snow properties and snow phenology in mountainous areas for more credible simulation and future projection of mountain snowpack.