Articles | Volume 7, issue 2
Research article
03 Apr 2013
Research article |  | 03 Apr 2013

Balanced conditions or slight mass gain of glaciers in the Lahaul and Spiti region (northern India, Himalaya) during the nineties preceded recent mass loss

C. Vincent, Al. Ramanathan, P. Wagnon, D. P. Dobhal, A. Linda, E. Berthier, P. Sharma, Y. Arnaud, M. F. Azam, P. G. Jose, and J. Gardelle

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Reanalysis of the longest mass balance series in Himalaya using a nonlinear model: Chhota Shigri Glacier (India)
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Geodetic point surface mass balances: a new approach to determine point surface mass balances on glaciers from remote sensing measurements
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Cited articles

Azam, M. F., Wagnon, P., Ramanathan, A., Vincent, C., Sharma, P., Arnaud, Y., Linda, A., Pottakkal, J., Chevallier, P., Singh, V. B., and Berthier, E.: From balance to imbalance: a shift in the dynamic behaviour of Chhota Shigri Glacier (Western Himalaya, India), J. Glaciol., 58, 315–324,, 2012.
Berthier, E., Arnaud, Y., Vincent, C., and Remy, F.: Biases of SRTM in high-mountain areas: Implications for the monitoring of glacier volume changes, Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L08502,, 2006.
Berthier, E., Arnaud, Y., Kumar, R., Ahmad, S., Wagnon, P., and Chevallier, P.: Remote sensing estimates of glacier mass balances in the Himachal Pradesh (Western Himalaya, India), Remote Sens. Environ., 108, 327–338,, 2007.
Berthier, E., Scambos, T. A., and Shuman, C. A.: Mass loss of Larsen B tributary glaciers (Antarctic Peninsula) unabated since 2002, Geophys. Res. Lett., 39,, 2012.
Berthier, E. and Vincent, C.: Relative contribution of surface mass balance and ice flux changes to the accelerated thinning of the Mer de Glace (Alps) over 1979-2008, J. Glaciol., 58, 501–512, 2012.