Articles | Volume 16, issue 5
Research article
06 May 2022
Research article |  | 06 May 2022

Polarimetric radar reveals the spatial distribution of ice fabric at domes and divides in East Antarctica

M. Reza Ershadi, Reinhard Drews, Carlos Martín, Olaf Eisen, Catherine Ritz, Hugh Corr, Julia Christmann, Ole Zeising, Angelika Humbert, and Robert Mulvaney

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Weakening of meltwater plume reduces basal melting in summer at Ekström Ice Shelf, Antarctica
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Improved estimation of the bulk ice crystal fabric asymmetry from polarimetric phase co-registration
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The Cryosphere, 17, 1097–1105,,, 2023
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Related subject area

Discipline: Ice sheets | Subject: Ice Physics
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Anisotropic Scattering in Radio-Echo Sounding: Insights from Northeast Greenland
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Cited articles

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Short summary
Radio waves transmitted through ice split up and inform us about the ice sheet interior and orientation of single ice crystals. This can be used to infer how ice flows and improve projections on how it will evolve in the future. Here we used an inverse approach and developed a new algorithm to infer ice properties from observed radar data. We applied this technique to the radar data obtained at two EPICA drilling sites, where ice cores were used to validate our results.