Articles | Volume 10, issue 2
Research article
26 Apr 2016
Research article |  | 26 Apr 2016

Reconstructing the annual mass balance of the Echaurren Norte glacier (Central Andes, 33.5° S) using local and regional hydroclimatic data

Mariano H. Masiokas, Duncan A. Christie, Carlos Le Quesne, Pierre Pitte, Lucas Ruiz, Ricardo Villalba, Brian H. Luckman, Etienne Berthier, Samuel U. Nussbaumer, Álvaro González-Reyes, James McPhee, and Gonzalo Barcaza

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Cited articles

Aceituno, P.: On the functioning of the Southern Oscillation in the South American sector. Part I: Surface climate, Mon. Weather Rev., 116, 505–524, 1988.
Casassa, G., Rivera, A., and Schwikowski, M.: Glacier mass-balance data for southern South America (30° S–56° S), in: Glacier Science and Environmental Change, edited by: Knight, P. G., Blackwell Publishing, Malden, MA, USA, 239–241,, 2006.
Cara, L., Masiokas, M. H., Viale, M., and Villalba, R.: Assessing snow cover variations in the Río Mendoza upper basin using MODIS satellite imagery, Revista Meteorológica, p. 25, in press, 2016.
Cogley, J. G., Hock, R., Rasmussen, L. A., Arendt, A. A., Bauder, A., Braithwaite, R. J., Jansson, P., Kaser, G., Möller, M., Nicholson, L., and Zemp, M.: Glossary of Glacier Mass Balance and Related Terms, IHP-VII Technical Documents in Hydrology No. 86, IACS Contribution No. 2, UNESCO-IHP, Paris, 124 pp., 2011.
DGA: Radio Eco-sondaje en la cuenca del río Maipo y mediciones glaciológicas en el glaciar Tyndall, Campo de Hielo Sur. Dirección General de Aguas, Santiago de Chile, S.I.T., 204, 95 pp., 2009.
Short summary
Glacier Echaurren Norte (ECH, 34° S) has the longest (> 35 yrs) mass-balance record in South America. A minimal model that explains 78 % of the variance in the ECH annual record identifies precipitation as the most important forcing. A regional streamflow series allows for extending the ECH annual record back to 1909 and shows a clear cumulative ice-mass loss. Similarities with documented glacier advances and other shorter mass-balance series suggest the ECH reconstruction is regionally representative.