Articles | Volume 15, issue 12
Research article
13 Dec 2021
Research article |  | 13 Dec 2021

Automated detection and analysis of surface calving waves with a terrestrial radar interferometer at the front of Eqip Sermia, Greenland

Adrien Wehrlé, Martin P. Lüthi, Andrea Walter, Guillaume Jouvet, and Andreas Vieli

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Cited articles

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Amundson, J. M., Clinton, J. F., Fahnestock, M., Truffer, M., Lüthi, M. P., and Motyka, R. J.: Observing calving-generated ocean waves with coastal broadband seismometers, Jakobshavn Isbræ, Greenland, Ann. Glaciol., 60, 79–84,, 2012. a
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Short summary
We developed a novel automated method for the detection and the quantification of ocean waves generated by glacier calving. This method was applied to data recorded with a terrestrial radar interferometer at Eqip Sermia, Greenland. Results show a high calving activity at the glacier front sector ending in deep water linked with more frequent meltwater plumes. This suggests that rising subglacial meltwater plumes strongly affect glacier calving in deep water, but weakly in shallow water.