Articles | Volume 12, issue 3
Research article
21 Mar 2018
Research article |  | 21 Mar 2018

Meltwater storage in low-density near-surface bare ice in the Greenland ice sheet ablation zone

Matthew G. Cooper, Laurence C. Smith, Asa K. Rennermalm, Clément Miège, Lincoln H. Pitcher, Jonathan C. Ryan, Kang Yang, and Sarah W. Cooley

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Revised manuscript accepted for ESSD
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Spectral attenuation coefficients from measurements of light transmission in bare ice on the Greenland Ice Sheet
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Cited articles

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Short summary
We present measurements of ice density that show the melting bare-ice surface of the Greenland ice sheet study site is porous and saturated with meltwater. The data suggest up to 18 cm of meltwater is temporarily stored within porous, low-density ice. The findings imply meltwater drainage off the ice sheet surface is delayed and that the surface mass balance of the ice sheet during summer cannot be estimated solely from ice surface elevation change measurements.