Articles | Volume 12, issue 1
Research article
23 Jan 2018
Research article |  | 23 Jan 2018

Monitoring glacier albedo as a proxy to derive summer and annual surface mass balances from optical remote-sensing data

Lucas Davaze, Antoine Rabatel, Yves Arnaud, Pascal Sirguey, Delphine Six, Anne Letreguilly, and Marie Dumont

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Cited articles

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Short summary
About 150 of the 250 000 inventoried glaciers are currently monitored with surface mass balance (SMB) measurements. To increase this number, we propose a method to retrieve annual and summer SMB from optical satellite imagery, with an application over 30 glaciers in the French Alps. Computing the glacier-wide averaged albedo allows us to reconstruct annual and summer SMB of most of the studied glaciers, highlighting the potential of this method to retrieve SMB of unmonitored glaciers.