Articles | Volume 12, issue 5
Research article
30 May 2018
Research article |  | 30 May 2018

Warm winter, thin ice?

Julienne C. Stroeve, David Schroder, Michel Tsamados, and Daniel Feltham

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Quantifying the influence of snow over sea ice morphology on L-band passive microwave satellite observations in the Southern Ocean
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Mapping of sea ice concentration using the NASA NIMBUS 5 Electrically Scanning Microwave Radiometer data from 1972–1977
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ESD Ideas: Arctic amplification's contribution to breaches of the Paris Agreement
Alistair Duffey, Robbie Mallett, Peter J. Irvine, Michel Tsamados, and Julienne Stroeve
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Discipline: Sea ice | Subject: Remote Sensing
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Snow depth estimation on leadless landfast ice using Cryo2Ice satellite observations
Monojit Saha, Julienne Stroeve, Dustin Isleifson, John Yackel, Vishnu Nandan, Jack Christopher Landy, and Hoi Ming Lam
The Cryosphere, 19, 325–346,,, 2025
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Cited articles

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Short summary
This paper looks at the impact of the warm winter and anomalously low number of total freezing degree days during winter 2016/2017 on thermodynamic ice growth and overall thickness anomalies. The approach relies on evaluation of satellite data (CryoSat-2) and model output. While there is a negative feedback between rapid ice growth for thin ice, with thermodynamic ice growth increasing over time, since 2012 that relationship is changing, in part because the freeze-up is happening later.