Articles | Volume 10, issue 6
Research article
15 Nov 2016
Research article |  | 15 Nov 2016

Presence of rapidly degrading permafrost plateaus in south-central Alaska

Benjamin M. Jones, Carson A. Baughman, Vladimir E. Romanovsky, Andrew D. Parsekian, Esther L. Babcock, Eva Stephani, Miriam C. Jones, Guido Grosse, and Edward E. Berg

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Preprint withdrawn
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Anderson, R. S., Hallett, D. J., Berg, E., Jass, R. B., Toney, J. L., de Fontaine, C. S., and DeVolder, A.: Holocene development of Boreal forests and fire regimes on the Kenai Lowlands of Alaska, Holocene, 16, 791–803,, 2006.
Barclay, D. J., Wiles, G. C., and Calkin, P. E.: Holocene glacier fluctuations in Alaska, Quaternary Sci. Rev., 28, 2034–2048, 2009.
Beilman, D. W. and Robinson, S. D.: Peatland permafrost thaw and landform type along a climatic gradient, in: Proc. 8th Int. Conf. Permafr., 21–25 July 2003, Zurich, Switzerland, 61–65, 2003.
Beilman, D. W., Vitt, D. H. ,and Halsey, L. A.: Localized Permafrost Peatlands in Western Canada: Definition, Distributions, and Degradation, Arct. Antarct. Alp. Res., 33, 70–77,, 2001.
Berg, E. E. and Anderson, R. S.: Fire history of white and Lutz spruce forests on the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, over the last two millennia as determined from soil charcoal, Forest Ecol. Manage., 227, 275–283,, 2006.
Short summary
We combined field data collection with remote sensing data to document the presence and rapid degradation of permafrost in south-central Alaska during 1950–present. Ground temperature measurements confirmed permafrost presence in the region, but remotely sensed images showed that permafrost plateau extent decreased by 60 % since 1950. Better understanding these vulnerable permafrost deposits is important for predicting future permafrost extent across all permafrost regions that are warming.