Articles | Volume 10, issue 2
Research article
18 Mar 2016
Research article |  | 18 Mar 2016

Analysis of the mass balance time series of glaciers in the Italian Alps

Luca Carturan, Carlo Baroni, Michele Brunetti, Alberto Carton, Giancarlo Dalla Fontana, Maria Cristina Salvatore, Thomas Zanoner, and Giulia Zuecco

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This preprint is open for discussion and under review for The Cryosphere (TC).
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Cited articles

Abermann, J., Lambrecht, A., Fischer, A., and Kuhn, M.: Quantifying changes and trends in glacier area and volume in the Austrian Ötztal Alps (1969–1997–2006), The Cryosphere, 3, 205–215,, 2009.
Abermann, J., Kuhn, M., and Fischer, A.: Climatic controls of glacier distribution and glacier changes in Austria, Ann. Glaciol., 52, 83–90, 2011.
Baroni, C., Bondesan, A., and Mortara, G.: Report of the Glaciological Survey of 2011 – relazioni della campagna glaciologica 2011, Geogr. Fis. Din. Quat., 35, 211–279,, 2012.
Baroni, C., Bondesan, A., and Mortara, G.: Report of the Glaciological Survey of 2012 – relazioni della campagna glaciologica 2012, Geogr. Fis. Din. Quat., 36, 303–374,, 2013.
Short summary
This work analyses the longer mass balance series of Italian glaciers. All glaciers experienced mass loss in the observation period, with increasing mass loss rates mainly due to increased ablation during longer and warmer ablation seasons. Low-altitude glaciers with low range of elevation are more out of balance than the higher, larger and steeper glaciers, which maintain accumulation areas. Because most of the monitored glaciers are at risk of extinction, they require a soon replacement.