Articles | Volume 9, issue 4
Research article
07 Aug 2015
Research article |  | 07 Aug 2015

Area, elevation and mass changes of the two southernmost ice caps of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago between 1952 and 2014

C. Papasodoro, E. Berthier, A. Royer, C. Zdanowicz, and A. Langlois

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Cited articles

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Berthier, E., Le Bris, R., Mabileau, L., Testut, L., and Rémy, F.: Ice wastage on the Kerguelen Islands (49° S, 69° E) between 1963 and 2006, J. Geophys. Res., 114, F03005,, 2009.
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Located at the far south (~62.5° N) of the Canadian Arctic, Grinnell and Terra Nivea Ice Caps are good climate proxies in this scarce data region. Multiple data sets (in situ, airborne and spaceborne) reveal changes in area, elevation and mass over the past 62 years. Ice wastage sharply accelerated during the last decade for both ice caps, as illustrated by the strongly negative mass balance of Terra Nivea over 2007-2014 (-1.77 ± 0.36 m a-1 w.e.). Possible climatic drivers are also discussed.