Articles | Volume 18, issue 8
Research article
15 Aug 2024
Research article |  | 15 Aug 2024

Improved records of glacier flow instabilities using customized NASA autoRIFT (CautoRIFT) applied to PlanetScope imagery

Jukes Liu, Madeline Gendreau, Ellyn Mary Enderlin, and Rainey Aberle

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The Impact of Climate on Surging at Donjek Glacier, Yukon, Canada
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Manuscript not accepted for further review
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Cited articles

Abe, T. and Furuya, M.: Winter speed-up of quiescent surge-type glaciers in Yukon, Canada, The Cryosphere, 9, 1183–1190,, 2015. a
Beaud, F., Aati, S., Delaney, I., Adhikari, S., and Avouac, J.-P.: Surge dynamics of Shisper Glacier revealed by time-series correlation of optical satellite images and their utility to substantiate a generalized sliding law, The Cryosphere, 16, 3123–3148,, 2022. a
Benn, D. I., Hewitt, I. J., and Luckman, A. J.: Enthalpy balance theory unifies diverse glacier surge behaviour, Ann. Glaciol., 63, 88–94,, 2023. a
Bhambri, R., Hewitt, K., Haritashya, U. K., Chand, P., Kumar, A., Verma, A., Tiwari, S. K., and Rai, S. K.: Characteristics of surge-type tributary glaciers, Karakoram, Geomorphology, 403, 108161,, 2022. a
Burgess, E. W., Larsen, C. F., and Forster, R. R.: Summer melt regulates winter glacier flow speeds throughout Alaska, Geophys. Res. Lett., 40, 6160–6164,, 2013. a
Short summary
There are sometimes gaps in global glacier velocity records produced using satellite image feature-tracking algorithms during times of rapid glacier acceleration, which hinders the study of glacier flow processes. We present an open-source pipeline for customizing the feature-tracking parameters and for including images from an additional source. We applied it to five glaciers and found that it produced accurate velocity data that supplemented their velocity records during rapid acceleration.