Articles | Volume 10, issue 2
Research article
08 Mar 2016
Research article |  | 08 Mar 2016

Reanalysis of long-term series of glaciological and geodetic mass balance for 10 Norwegian glaciers

Liss M. Andreassen, Hallgeir Elvehøy, Bjarne Kjøllmoen, and Rune V. Engeset

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This preprint is open for discussion and under review for The Cryosphere (TC).
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Alexander, D., Shulmeister, J., and Davies, T.: High basal melting rates within high-precipitation temperate glaciers, J. Glaciol., 57, 789–795, 2011.
Alexander, D., Davies, T., and Schulmeister, J.: Basal melting beneath a fast-flowing temperate tidewater glacier, Ann. Glaciol., 54, 265–271,, 2013.
Andreassen, L. M.: Comparing traditional mass balance measurements with long-term volume change extracted from topographical maps: a case study of Storbreen glacier in Jotunheimen, Norway, for the period 1940–1997, Geogr. Ann. A, 81, 467–476, 1999.
Andreassen, L. M., Elvehøy, H., Kjøllmoen, B., Engeset, R. V., and Haakensen, N.: Glacier mass-balance and length variation in Norway, Ann. Glaciol., 42, 317–325, 2005.
Andreassen, L. M., Kjøllmoen, B., Rasmussen, A., Melvold, K., and Nordli, Ø.: Langfjordjøkelen, a rapidly shrinking glacier in northern Norway, J. Glaciol., 58, 581–593,, 2012a.
Short summary
This study provides homogenised and partly calibrated data series of glaciological and geodetic mass balance for the 10 Norwegian glaciers with long-term observations. In total, 21 periods of data were compared. Uncertainties were quantified for relevant sources of errors, both in the glaciological and geodetic series. The reanalysis processes altered seasonal, annual, and cumulative as well as ELA and AAR values for many of the years for the 10 glaciers presented.