Articles | Volume 9, issue 2
Research article
14 Apr 2015
Research article |  | 14 Apr 2015

Quantifying meltwater refreezing along a transect of sites on the Greenland ice sheet

C. Cox, N. Humphrey, and J. Harper

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Cited articles

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Brown, J., Harper, J., Pfeffer, W., Humphrey, N., and Bradford, J.: High resolution study of layering within the percolation and soaked facies of the Greenland Icesheet, Ann. Glaciol., 52, 35–42, 2011.
Short summary
On the Greenland Ice Sheet, a significant quantity of surface melt water refreezes after infiltrating into the cold underlying firn. This paper presents a new method for estimating the amount of water refreezing using temperature measurements. The method is applied to temperature data from a transect of 11 sites and the results provide some of the first measurement-based estimates of refreezing quantities which can be used to improve modeling and better understand the refreezing process.