Articles | Volume 11, issue 2
Research article
28 Mar 2017
Research article |  | 28 Mar 2017

Terrain changes from images acquired on opportunistic flights by SfM photogrammetry

Luc Girod, Christopher Nuth, Andreas Kääb, Bernd Etzelmüller, and Jack Kohler

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Three different glacier surges at a spot: what satellites observe and what not
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Sudden large-volume detachments of low-angle mountain glaciers – more frequent than thought?
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Cited articles

Andreassen, L. M., Elvehøy, H., Kjøllmoen, B., and Engeset, R. V.: Reanalysis of long-term series of glaciological and geodetic mass balance for 10 Norwegian glaciers, The Cryosphere, 10, 535–552,, 2016.
Björnsson, H., Gjessing, Y., Hamran, S.-E., Hagen, J. O., LiestøL, O., PáLsson, F., and Erlingsson, B.: The thermal regime of sub-polar glaciers mapped by multi-frequency radio-echo sounding, J. Glaciol., 42, 23–32, 1996.
Divine, D. V., Pedersen, C. A., Karlsen, T. I., Aas, H. F., Granskog, M. A., Hudson, S. R., and Gerland, S.: Photogrammetric retrieval and analysis of small scale sea ice topography during summer melt, Cold Reg. Sci. Technol., 129, 77–84,, 2016.
Eltner, A., Kaiser, A., Castillo, C., Rock, G., Neugirg, F., and Abellán, A.: Image-based surface reconstruction in geomorphometry – merits, limits and developments, Earth Surf. Dynam., 4, 359–389,, 2016.
Etzelmüller, B.: Quantification of thermo-erosion in pro-glacial areas-examples from Svalbard, Z. Geomorphol., 44, 343–361, 2000.
Short summary
While gathering data on a changing environment is often a costly and complicated endeavour, it is also the backbone of all research. What if one could measure elevation change by just strapping a camera and a hiking GPS under an helicopter or a small airplane used for transportation and gather data on the ground bellow the flight path? In this article, we present a way to do exactly that and show an example survey where it helped compute the volume of ice lost by a glacier in Svalbard.