Articles | Volume 10, issue 5
Research article
27 Sep 2016
Research article |  | 27 Sep 2016

Modeling the spatiotemporal variability in subsurface thermal regimes across a low-relief polygonal tundra landscape

Jitendra Kumar, Nathan Collier, Gautam Bisht, Richard T. Mills, Peter E. Thornton, Colleen M. Iversen, and Vladimir Romanovsky

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Atchley, A. L., Painter, S. L., Harp, D. R., Coon, E. T., Wilson, C. J., Liljedahl, A. K., and Romanovsky, V. E.: Using field observations to inform thermal hydrology models of permafrost dynamics with ATS (v0.83), Geosci. Model Dev., 8, 2701–2722,, 2015.
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Collier, N. and Kumar, J.: MeshMaker: Configurable Meshing Framework for Eco-Hydrology Models, Tech. Rep. ORNL/TM-2016/46, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, USA,, 2016.
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Microtopography of the low-gradient polygonal tundra plays a critical role in these ecosystem; however, patterns and drivers are poorly understood. A modeling-based approach was developed in this study to characterize and represent the permafrost soils in the model and simulate the thermal dynamics using a mechanistic high-resolution model. Results shows the ability of the model to simulate the patterns and variability of thermal regimes and improve our understanding of polygonal tundra.