Articles | Volume 17, issue 8
Research article
25 Aug 2023
Research article |  | 25 Aug 2023

Summer sea ice floe perimeter density in the Arctic: high-resolution optical satellite imagery and model evaluation

Yanan Wang, Byongjun Hwang, Adam William Bateson, Yevgeny Aksenov, and Christopher Horvat

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Cited articles

Aksenov, Y., Popova, E. E., Yool, A., Nurser, A. J. G., Williams, T. D., Bertino, L., and Bergh, J.: On the future navigability of Arctic sea routes: High-resolution projections of the Arctic Ocean and sea ice, Mar. Policy, 75, 300–317,, 2017. 
Aksenov, Y., Rynders, S., Feltham, D. L., Hosekova, L., Marsh, R., Skliris, N., Bertino, L., Williams, T. D., Popova, E., Yool, A., Nurser, A. J. G., Coward, A., Bricheno, L., Srokosz, M., and Heorton, H.: Safer Operations in Changing Ice-Covered Seas: Approaches and Perspectives, in: IUTAM Symposium on Physics and Mechanics of Sea Ice, edited by: Uhkuri, J. and Polojärvi, A., IUTAM Bookseries, vol 39. Springer, Cham, Espoo, Finland, 241–260,, 2022. 
Arntsen, A. E., Song, A. J., Perovich, D. K., and Richter-Menge, J. A.: Observations of the summer breakup of an Arctic sea ice cover, Geophys. Res. Lett., 42, 8057–8063,, 2015. 
Bateson, A. W.: Fragmentation and melting of the sea- sonal sea ice cover, PhD thesis, Department of Meteo- rology, University of Reading, United Kingdom, 293 pp.,, 2021a. 
Bateson, A. W.: Simulations of the Arctic sea ice comparing different approaches to modelling the floe size distribution and their respective impacts on the sea ice cover, University of Reading [data set],, 2021b. 
Short summary
Sea ice is composed of small, discrete pieces of ice called floes, whose size distribution plays a critical role in the interactions between the sea ice, ocean and atmosphere. This study provides an assessment of sea ice models using new high-resolution floe size distribution observations, revealing considerable differences between them. These findings point not only to the limitations in models but also to the need for more high-resolution observations to validate and calibrate models.