Articles | Volume 14, issue 5
Research article
13 May 2020
Research article |  | 13 May 2020

Incorporating moisture content in surface energy balance modeling of a debris-covered glacier

Alexandra Giese, Aaron Boone, Patrick Wagnon, and Robert Hawley

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Preprint withdrawn
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Discipline: Glaciers | Subject: Energy Balance Obs/Modelling
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Cited articles

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Short summary
Rocky debris on glacier surfaces is known to affect the melt of mountain glaciers. Debris can be dry or filled to varying extents with liquid water and ice; whether debris is dry, wet, and/or icy affects how efficiently heat is conducted through debris from its surface to the ice interface. Our paper presents a new energy balance model that simulates moisture phase, evolution, and location in debris. ISBA-DEB is applied to West Changri Nup glacier in Nepal to reveal important physical processes.