Articles | Volume 13, issue 2
Research article
18 Feb 2019
Research article |  | 18 Feb 2019

Mapping pan-Arctic landfast sea ice stability using Sentinel-1 interferometry

Dyre O. Dammann, Leif E. B. Eriksson, Andrew R. Mahoney, Hajo Eicken, and Franz J. Meyer

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Cited articles

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Alaska Satellite Facility: NASA ASF Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC) Vertex interface, available at:, last access: 28 May 2018. 
Alexandrov, V. Y., Martin, T., Kolatschek, J., Eicken, H., Kreyscher, M., and Makshtas, A. P.: Sea ice circulation in the Laptev Sea and ice export to the Arctic Ocean: Results from satellite remote sensing and numerical modeling, J. Geophys. Res., 105, 17143–17159, 2000. 
Aporta, C. and Higgs, E.: Satellite culture – Global positioning systems, inuit wayfinding, and the need for a new account of technology, Curr. Anthropol., 46, 729–753,, 2005. 
Arctic Council: Arctic marine shipping assessment, Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment Working Group (PAME), Akureyri, Island, 190 pp., 2009. 
Short summary
We present an approach for mapping bottomfast sea ice and landfast sea ice stability using Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry. This is the first comprehensive assessment of Arctic bottomfast sea ice extent with implications for subsea permafrost and marine habitats. Our pan-Arctic analysis also provides a new understanding of sea ice dynamics in five marginal seas of the Arctic Ocean relevant for strategic planning and tactical decision-making for different uses of coastal ice.