Articles | Volume 13, issue 6
Research article
04 Jun 2019
Research article |  | 04 Jun 2019

Estimation of turbulent heat flux over leads using satellite thermal images

Meng Qu, Xiaoping Pang, Xi Zhao, Jinlun Zhang, Qing Ji, and Pei Fan

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Cited articles

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Short summary
Can we ignore the contribution of small ice leads when estimating turbulent heat flux? Combining bulk formulae and a fetch-limited model with surface temperature from MODIS and Landsat-8 Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS) images, we found small leads account for 25 % of the turbulent heat flux, due to its large total area. Estimated turbulent heat flux is larger from TIRS than that from MODIS with a coarser resolution and larger using a fetch-limited model than that using bulk formulae.