Articles | Volume 18, issue 10
Research article
08 Oct 2024
Research article |  | 08 Oct 2024

Exploring the potential of forest snow modeling at the tree and snowpack layer scale

Giulia Mazzotti, Jari-Pekka Nousu, Vincent Vionnet, Tobias Jonas, Rafife Nheili, and Matthieu Lafaysse

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Earth Syst. Sci. Data Discuss.,,, 2024
Preprint under review for ESSD
Short summary
Regionally optimized high-resolution input datasets enhance the representation of snow cover in CLM5
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Earth Syst. Dynam., 15, 1073–1115,,, 2024
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Snow redistribution in an intermediate-complexity snow hydrology modelling framework
Louis Quéno, Rebecca Mott, Paul Morin, Bertrand Cluzet, Giulia Mazzotti, and Tobias Jonas
The Cryosphere, 18, 3533–3557,,, 2024
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Multi-scale soil moisture data and process-based modeling reveal the importance of lateral groundwater flow in a subarctic catchment
Jari-Pekka Nousu, Kersti Leppä, Hannu Marttila, Pertti Ala-aho, Giulia Mazzotti, Terhikki Manninen, Mika Korkiakoski, Mika Aurela, Annalea Lohila, and Samuli Launiainen
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss.,,, 2024
Revised manuscript accepted for HESS
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Using Sentinel-1 wet snow maps to inform fully-distributed physically-based snowpack models
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Related subject area

Discipline: Snow | Subject: Numerical Modelling
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Snow redistribution in an intermediate-complexity snow hydrology modelling framework
Louis Quéno, Rebecca Mott, Paul Morin, Bertrand Cluzet, Giulia Mazzotti, and Tobias Jonas
The Cryosphere, 18, 3533–3557,,, 2024
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Cited articles

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Barrere, M., Domine, F., Decharme, B., Morin, S., Vionnet, V., and Lafaysse, M.: Evaluating the performance of coupled snow–soil models in SURFEXv8 to simulate the permafrost thermal regime at a high Arctic site, Geosci. Model Dev., 10, 3461–3479,, 2017. 
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Short summary
As many boreal and alpine forests have seasonal snow, models are needed to predict forest snow under future environmental conditions. We have created a new forest snow model by combining existing, very detailed model components for the canopy and the snowpack. We applied it to forests in Switzerland and Finland and showed how complex forest cover leads to a snowpack layering that is very variable in space and time because different processes prevail at different locations in the forest.