Articles | Volume 7, issue 5
Research article
24 Sep 2013
Research article |  | 24 Sep 2013

Changes in glacier equilibrium-line altitude in the western Alps from 1984 to 2010: evaluation by remote sensing and modeling of the morpho-topographic and climate controls

A. Rabatel, A. Letréguilly, J.-P. Dedieu, and N. Eckert

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On the interest of positive degree day models for mass balance modeling in the inner tropics
L. Maisincho, V. Favier, P. Wagnon, R. Basantes Serrano, B. Francou, M. Villacis, A. Rabatel, L. Mourre, V. Jomelli, and B. Cáceres
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Technical Note: Glacial influence in tropical mountain hydrosystems evidenced by the diurnal cycle in water levels
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Cited articles

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