Articles | Volume 18, issue 4
Research article
23 Apr 2024
Research article |  | 23 Apr 2024

A 3D glacier dynamics–line plume model to estimate the frontal ablation of Hansbreen, Svalbard

José M. Muñoz-Hermosilla, Jaime Otero, Eva De Andrés, Kaian Shahateet, Francisco Navarro, and Iván Pérez-Doña

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Cited articles

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Amaral, T., Bartholomaus, T. C., and Enderlin, E. M.: Evaluation of iceberg calving models against observations from Greenland outlet glaciers, J. Geophys. Res.-Earth, 125, e2019JF005444,, 2020. a
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Benn, D. I., Warren, C. R., and Mottram, R. H.: “Calving laws”, “sliding laws” and the stability of tidewater glaciers, Ann. Glaciol., 46, 123–130,, 2007. a
Benn, D. I., Cowtom, T., Todd, J., and Luckman, A.: Glacier calving in Greenland, Curr. Clim. Change Rep., 3, 282–290,, 2017. a
Short summary
A large fraction of the mass loss from marine-terminating glaciers is attributed to frontal ablation. In this study, we used a 3D ice flow model of a real glacier that includes the effects of calving and submarine melting. Over a 30-month simulation, we found that the model reproduced the seasonal cycle for this glacier. Besides, the front positions were in good agreement with observations in the central part of the front, with longitudinal differences, on average, below 15 m.