Articles | Volume 15, issue 1
Research article
05 Jan 2021
Research article |  | 05 Jan 2021

Continuous in situ measurements of anchor ice formation, growth, and release

Tadros R. Ghobrial and Mark R. Loewen

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Cited articles

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Blackburn, J. and She, Y.: A Comprehensive Public-Domain River Ice Process Model and Its Application to a Complex Natural River, Cold Reg. Sci. Technol., 163, 44–58, 2019. 
Brown, R., Hubert, W., and Daly, S.: A Primer on Winter, Ice, and Fish: What Fisheries Biologists Should Know about Winter Ice Processes and Stream-dwelling Fish, Fisheries, 36, 8–26, 2011. 
Short summary
Anchor ice typically forms on riverbeds during freeze-up and can alter the river ice regime. Most of the knowledge on anchor ice mechanisms has been attributed to lab experiments. This study presents for the first time insights into anchor ice initiation, growth, and release in rivers using an underwater camera system. Three stages of growth and modes of release have been identified. These results will improve modelling capabilities in predicting the effect of anchor ice on river ice regimes.