Articles | Volume 9, issue 3
Research article
21 May 2015
Research article |  | 21 May 2015

Thin-ice dynamics and ice production in the Storfjorden polynya for winter seasons 2002/2003–2013/2014 using MODIS thermal infrared imagery

A. Preußer, S. Willmes, G. Heinemann, and S. Paul

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Circumpolar polynya regions and ice production in the Arctic: results from MODIS thermal infrared imagery from 2002/2003 to 2014/2015 with a regional focus on the Laptev Sea
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Cited articles

Adams, S., Willmes, S., Schroeder, D., Heinemann, G., Bauer, M., and Krumpen, T.: Improvement and sensitivity analysis of thermal thin-ice retrievals, IEEE T. Geosci. Remote, 51, 3306–3318,, 2013.
Barber, D. G. and Massom, R. A.: The Role of Sea Ice in Arctic and Antarctic Polynyas, in: Polynyas – Windows to the World, in: The Role of Sea Ice in Arctic and Antarctic Polynyas, edited by: Smith, W. O. and Barber, D. G., 1–54, Elsevier Oceanography Series,, 2007.
Bauer, M., Schröder, D., Heinemann, G., Willmes, S., and Ebner, L.: Quantifying polynya ice production in the Laptev Sea with the COSMO model, Polar Res., 32, 20922,, 2013.
Drucker, R., Martin, S., and Moritz, R.: Observations of ice thickness and frazil ice in the St. Lawrence Island polynya from satellite imagery, upward looking sonar, and salinity/temperature moorings, J. Geophys. Res., 108, 3149,, 2003.
Short summary
The Storfjorden polynya (Svalbard) forms regularly under the influence of strong north-easterly winds. In this study, spatial and temporal characteristics for the period 2002/03-2013/14 were inferred from daily calculated thin-ice thickness distributions, based on MODIS ice surface temperatures and ERA-interim reanalysis. With an estimated average ice production of 28.3km³/winter, this polynya system is of particular interest regarding its potential contribution to deep water formation.