Articles | Volume 11, issue 1
Research article
13 Jan 2017
Research article |  | 13 Jan 2017

Fram Strait sea ice export variability and September Arctic sea ice extent over the last 80 years

Lars H. Smedsrud, Mari H. Halvorsen, Julienne C. Stroeve, Rong Zhang, and Kjell Kloster

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Cited articles

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Short summary
Export of Arctic sea ice area southwards through the Fram Strait from 1935 to 2014 is calculated based on satellite radar images and surface pressure observations. The annual mean export is 880 000 km2, representing 10 % of the Arctic sea ice area. In recent years the export has been above 1 million km2, and there are positive trends over the last 30 years. Increased ice export during spring and summer contributes to more open water in September, and this correlations has increased over time.