Articles | Volume 7, issue 4
Research article
04 Jul 2013
Research article |  | 04 Jul 2013

Sea ice thickness, freeboard, and snow depth products from Operation IceBridge airborne data

N. T. Kurtz, S. L. Farrell, M. Studinger, N. Galin, J. P. Harbeck, R. Lindsay, V. D. Onana, B. Panzer, and J. G. Sonntag

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A decade-plus of Antarctic sea ice thickness and volume estimates from CryoSat-2 using a physical model and waveform fitting
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Linking scales of sea ice surface topography: evaluation of ICESat-2 measurements with coincident helicopter laser scanning during MOSAiC
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Impacts of snow data and processing methods on the interpretation of long-term changes in Baffin Bay early spring sea ice thickness
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Refining the sea surface identification approach for determining freeboards in the ICESat-2 sea ice products
Ron Kwok, Alek A. Petty, Marco Bagnardi, Nathan T. Kurtz, Glenn F. Cunningham, Alvaro Ivanoff, and Sahra Kacimi
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Cited articles

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