Articles | Volume 17, issue 2
Research article
07 Feb 2023
Research article |  | 07 Feb 2023

Mountain permafrost in the Central Pyrenees: insights from the Devaux ice cave

Miguel Bartolomé, Gérard Cazenave, Marc Luetscher, Christoph Spötl, Fernando Gázquez, Ánchel Belmonte, Alexandra V. Turchyn, Juan Ignacio López-Moreno, and Ana Moreno

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Cited articles

Badino, G.: Underground Meteorology – “What's the weather underground?”, Acta Carsol., 39, 427–448,, 2010. 
Bartolomé, M., Sancho, C., Osácar, M. C., Moreno, A., Leunda, M., Spötl, C., Luetscher, M., López-Martínez, J., and Belmonte, A.: Characteristics of cryogenic carbonates in a Pyrenean ice cave (northern Spain), Geogaceta, 58, 107–110, 2015. 
Bartolomé, M., Sancho, C., Benito, G., Medialdea, A., Calle, M., Moreno, A., Leunda, M., Luetscher, M., Muñoz, A., Bastida, J., Cheng, H., and Edwards, R. L.: Effects of glaciation on karst hydrology and sedimentology during the Last Glacial Cycle: The case of Granito cave, Central Pyrenees (Spain), Catena, 206, 105252,, 2021. 
Belmonte-Ribas, Á., Sancho, C., Moreno, A., Lopez-Martinez, J., and Bartolome, M.: Present-day environmental dynamics in ice cave a294, Central Pyrenees, Spain, Geogr. Fis. E Din. Quat., 37, 131–140,, 2014. 
Short summary
In this work we study the microclimate and the geomorphological features of Devaux ice cave in the Central Pyrenees. The research is based on cave monitoring, geomorphology, and geochemical analyses. We infer two different thermal regimes. The cave is impacted by flooding in late winter/early spring when the main outlets freeze, damming the water inside. Rock temperatures below 0°C and the absence of drip water indicate frozen rock, while relict ice formations record past damming events.