the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Exploring the capabilities of electrical resistivity tomography to study subsea permafrost
Mauricio Arboleda-Zapata
Michael Angelopoulos
Pier Paul Overduin
Guido Grosse
Benjamin M. Jones
Jens Tronicke
- Final revised paper (published on 20 Oct 2022)
- Preprint (discussion started on 20 Apr 2022)
Interactive discussion
Status: closed
RC1: 'Comment on tc-2022-60', Anonymous Referee #1, 13 Jun 2022
In this paper, the authors use layer-based parameterizations of the inverse problem to improve characterization of subsea permafrost conditions. Their 2D results look very promising and the robustness of the results are thoroughly investigated with 1D inversions and multiple sensitivity analyses. I think the authors have presented an extremely well-written and scientifically rigorous paper that is of interest to readers of The Cryosphere and the broader permafrost and geophysics communities. Below, I have made some suggestions to improve the manuscript. Following these minor changes I believe this article will be ready for publication.
Line 29: “layer (or body)” -> “layer or body”. There are many spots throughout the paper where parentheses are unnecessary and are actually a bit distracting, as they disrupt the flow of the sentence. Revising throughout the paper will improve the flow and make your ideas easier to understand.
Line 66: “the less conductive is the medium” -> “the more resistive the medium”, since you’ve been using resistivity to describe the water and sediments throughout the paragraph.
Line 86: The phrasing of this sentence makes it sound like Arboleda-Zapata et al. (2022) also looked at the IBPT. I think it makes more sense to omit “also around the IBPT” to avoid this confusion.
Figure 1 caption, line 3: “read line” -> “red line”
Figure 1 (b) and (f): I would use a different color besides red to indicate historical coastlines (since you’ve already indicated the red lines show the ERT profiles). Maybe a black dashed line to agree with Figure 1e would be better.
Line 159: I disagree – I don’t find these plots particularly useful and would omit them in the final paper. Even with your interpretation of higher noise levels in levels 7 and 8 in the Bykovsky dataset, I think this is easier to see in Figure 1c than it is in 1d (and would argue that this is better described as variability than noise, because it may be caused by real features).
Line 181: It would be nice to specify that these are features you might expect to see at your study sites. Maybe something like “Allowing for abrupt changes is important in permafrost environments where high structural variability is often found. At our sites, we could expect to see sharp boundaries due to…”
Line 202: So every mesh is different? How is the mesh structure determined? More explanation is needed here.
Line 232: “we not” -> “we do not”
Line 264: It’s not clear to me what “considering five nodes for each interface” is referring to. Does this mean that each interface is parameterized by five depths along the survey line? Clarification would be helpful here.
Line 284: This phrasing could be interpreted as a general observation that more resistive permafrost = deeper boundary. I think it’s important to specify two things: 1) that this is specific to your model, not a general observation, and 2) that this is due to a model equivalence/non-uniqueness problem (which will also help to introduce the following section).
Figure 2: It would be nice if you showed the smooth inversion here as well, as it would provide a nice comparison for the layer-based models. Same comment for Figure 7.
Line 318: “because” -> “and”. This statement is more of an observation than an explanation. Same comment for line 526.
Line 351: Here, you could explicitly state that the low sensitivity to permafrost resistivity causes the error in your 1D models and contributes to the uncertainty in your 2D models.
Figures 4 and 9: This is mostly personal preference, but I would find the correlation matrices easier to read if they only showed the lower left portion and omitted duplicate cells. I also find it difficult to estimate the magnitude of the correlations using the color scale alone and suggest printing the numerical values on each cell in addition to the color.
Line 487: “especially, for marine data,” -> “especially for marine data”
Line 499: You could also note that this highlights the importance of having an accurate estimate of data noise. Since the misfits for the model in Figure 7d were higher, this set of models could potentially be ruled out if they were found to exceed expected error levels.
Line 533: “resistivity” -> “ice-bearing permafrost resistivity”
Line 615: It’s great that the data are available. If possible, you could share your code as well so that others can easily reproduce and build on your work.
Citation: -
AC1: 'Reply on RC1', Mauricio Arboleda-Zapata, 22 Jul 2022
First of all, we appreciate this reviewer's comments. We agreed with most of his suggestions and will try to follow them in the best way to improve the quality of our manuscript. Here we add your comments (in italics) and our responses below (in roman).
Line 29: “layer (or body)” -> “layer or body”. There are many spots throughout the paper where parentheses are unnecessary and are actually a bit distracting, as they disrupt the flow of the sentence. Revising throughout the paper will improve the flow and make your ideas easier to understand.
Following this recommendation, we will remove some parentheses to allow for a more fluid read.
Line 66: “the less conductive is the medium” -> “the more resistive the medium”, since you’ve been using resistivity to describe the water and sediments throughout the paragraph.
We agree. For consistency, we will replace in the whole text the word conductivity by resistivity.
Line 86: The phrasing of this sentence makes it sound like Arboleda-Zapata et al. (2022) also looked at the IBPT. I think it makes more sense to omit “also around the IBPT” to avoid this confusion.
We agree with this comment, and we will rephrase the corresponding sentence.
Figure 1 caption, line 3: “read line” -> “red line”
We will fix this misspelling error.
Figure 1 (b) and (f): I would use a different color besides red to indicate historical coastlines (since you’ve already indicated the red lines show the ERT profiles). Maybe a black dashed line to agree with Figure 1e would be better.
We will follow this recommendation and change the color of the red line in Fig. 1b and f to black.
Line 159: I disagree – I don’t find these plots particularly useful and would omit them in the final paper. Even with your interpretation of higher noise levels in levels 7 and 8 in the Bykovsky dataset, I think this is easier to see in Figure 1c than it is in 1d (and would argue that this is better described as variability than noise, because it may be caused by real features).
We agree with this suggestion and will remove the corresponding plots. Additionally, we will update the corresponding text and sentences.
Line 181: It would be nice to specify that these are features you might expect to see at your study sites. Maybe something like “Allowing for abrupt changes is important in permafrost environments where high structural variability is often found. At our sites, we could expect to see sharp boundaries due to…”
We partially agree with this comment. At our field sites, we could have a combination of different structures. This is why we still think that mentioning all processes and common structures from subsea permafrost environments is important to exemplify cases where a layer-based parameterization approach might be used. On the other hand, we will highlight that some of these structures might be present at our field site.
Line 202: So every mesh is different? How is the mesh structure determined? More explanation is needed here.
Following this comment, we will extend this in the text and add two references (Akça et al., 2010 and Arboleda-Zapata et al., 2020) where this strategy is further discussed. During inversion, each particle is a model drawn on a different mesh because the subsurface interfaces (in our case, obtained from the sum of arctangent functions) force the model to update the cell positions according to the new interfaces.
Line 232: “we not” -> “we do not”
We will update this.
Line 264: It’s not clear to me what “considering five nodes for each interface” is referring to. Does this mean that each interface is parameterized by five depths along the survey line? Clarification would be helpful here.
Following this comment, we will clarify this parameterization strategy by extending section 4.1 and adding the arctan function. Additionally, Because we considered the same number of nodes and interfaces for both of our case studies, to avoid repetition, we will add this information in section 4.1 instead of in each case study.
Line 284: This phrasing could be interpreted as a general observation that more resistive permafrost = deeper boundary. I think it’s important to specify two things: 1) that this is specific to your model, not a general observation, and 2) that this is due to a model equivalence/non-uniqueness problem (which will also help to introduce the following section).
We agree with this suggestion and will reformulate this sentence.
Figure 2: It would be nice if you showed the smooth inversion here as well, as it would provide a nice comparison for the layer-based models. Same comment for Figure 7.
Comparing different inversion strategies is beyond the scope of this study. However, for completeness and as a reference base model, we will add the smooth inversion results (see figures 1 and 2 in the attached file) to an appendix but without analyzing or discussing them in detail. The interested reader is referred to Angelopoulos et al.(2019), where the Bykovsky data set was inverted using a smooth inversion approach, and the obtained results have been discussed in detail. Other studies that used smooth inversion approaches to delineate the IBPT position are listed in lines 53-54.
Line 318: “because” -> “and”. This statement is more of an observation than an explanation. Same comment for line 526.
We agree with this comment and will reformulate this statement to illustrate how far we are from the input model.
Line 351: Here, you could explicitly state that the low sensitivity to permafrost resistivity causes the error in your 1D models and contributes to the uncertainty in your 2D models.
We agree with this comment and will add a corresponding statement.
Figures 4 and 9: This is mostly personal preference, but I would find the correlation matrices easier to read if they only showed the lower left portion and omitted duplicate cells. I also find it difficult to estimate the magnitude of the correlations using the color scale alone and suggest printing the numerical values on each cell in addition to the color.
We propose a compromise here. We will add the correlation values in one-half of the correlation matrix. However, we prefer to show the entire correlation matrices also to highlight this symmetric property of the matrices.
Line 487: “especially, for marine data,” -> “especially for marine data”
We will fix this misspelling.
Line 499: You could also note that this highlights the importance of having an accurate estimate of data noise. Since the misfits for the model in Figure 7d were higher, this set of models could potentially be ruled out if they were found to exceed expected error levels.
Following this comment, we will also highlight this in the corresponding statement.
Line 533: “resistivity” -> “ice-bearing permafrost resistivity”
We agree and will add the missing part as suggested by this reviewer.
Line 615: It’s great that the data are available. If possible, you could share your code as well so that others can easily reproduce and build on your work.
The data used for our Bykovsky example is already available. We will also upload the Drew Point data set to the Pangea repository. At some point, we want to share the code once it is better organized and adequately documented. We highlight that there are already several available implementations of PSO. For example, in python, you will find an implementation under Additionally, all the mesh manipulation and the forward solver were done in the freely available Python library pyGIMLi Our implementation consists of adding the interfaces with the arctangent function while preserving minimum mesh quality requirements. A similar approach is also given by Akça et al.(2010).
AC1: 'Reply on RC1', Mauricio Arboleda-Zapata, 22 Jul 2022
RC2: 'Comment on tc-2022-60', Anonymous Referee #2, 23 Jun 2022
In this paper, the authors test the applicability of ERT to characterize subsea permafrost. To achieve that goal, they further developed a novel inversion approach that has been discussed in detail in a previous paper. This paper is well structured, clearly written, and very well presented. Although it is applied to a subsea permafrost here, the developed methodology can easily be transferred to other problems.
Reading over the paper, I think what is missing is a thorough comparison to conventional, i.e. smoothness-constraint, ERT inversion. Since there is no ground-truth available, the authors cannot show that their approach provides superior accuracy in determining the IBPT. So the reader is somewhat left wondering why this additional computational effort is actually needed. Couldn't you achieve similar results by using "standard" processing schemes? To address this, I would suggest adding the results of a smoothness-constraint inversion to Fig. 2 and 7, which I believe will show the benefit of your inversion method clearly, and will highlight that the additional computational effort yields a more robust recovery of the subsurface structure.
Another more fundamental comment refers to the spatial heterogeneity of the water resistivity you are trying to image. You describe the two field sites as places with different flow pattern feeding freshwater into the coastal system. I believe that this is likely causing spatial heterogeneity in the water resistivity going from the coast further into the sea. Yet, in your inversion approach, you only address the variation in the thickness of the sea-water layer, but not its resistivity. Why are you not addressing this? Is it because the variability in rho_w is small enough that it does not affect the inversion (if so, can you show that?), or is there another reason for not addressing it?
Other than these two comments, please find below a few more detail comments:
Line 38: Although I generally agree, you may want to check out the work by Wagner et al., who show an approach to get quantitative values of ice content from joint inversion of ERT and seismic data.
Line 66: Might be better to stick with resistivity here, rather than changing to conductivity.
Figure 1 (d) & (h): What do you mean by sounding number here? Does this refer to the measurements per level? Is there really a need for this last panel? In the test you only refer to this plot to highlight the higher noise level, but I think you can also that comparing (c) and (g).
Line 160-161: Judging from c, it looks like levels 6 to 9 in general are noisier than the shallower ones.
Line 188: To improve clarity, it might be worth adding here how you describe thd geometry of the interface. Are you using a specific function with x numbers of parameters, or do you have a layer thickness for each sounding location?
Line 264: Is this an arbitrary number for the number of points of the interface, or where does it come from?
Line 265: I'm not entirely sure I follow how you get to 36? Five nodes for two interfaces should be 10 parameters describing the tickness, and then you need a resistivity for the water column, unfrozen sediments and frozen sediments.
Line 330: This argumentation is a bit weak. Only because you have some sensitivity does not necessarily mean that you can resolve subsurface structures and that you can interpret the inverted models.
Line 335-336: These areas seem a little suspicious to me. Why do you first get almost no sensitivity, and then a comparable high value. This does not seem to agree with the expected sensitivity pattern.
Line 359: Why did you chose different PSO parameters for the two different sites? To compare the results, wouldn't it be better to use the same set of parameters?
5.2.3 Sensitivity analysis: Having a sensitivity study for each site feels a bit repetitive. Perhaps merging the two sensitivity studies would make sense?
Line 464 - 468: I may have missed that, but where do you show that in the 2D case. As I understand, you invert for rho_w and z_w only.
Citation: -
AC2: 'Reply on RC2', Mauricio Arboleda-Zapata, 22 Jul 2022
First of all, we would like to thank this reviewer for his comments. They have certainly made us rethink some vital decisions and interpretations included in our manuscript. Note that your comments are copied here in italics, and our answers are presented below in roman.
Reading over the paper, I think what is missing is a thorough comparison to conventional, i.e. smoothness-constraint, ERT inversion. Since there is no ground-truth available, the authors cannot show that their approach provides superior accuracy in determining the IBPT. So the reader is somewhat left wondering why this additional computational effort is actually needed. Couldn't you achieve similar results by using "standard" processing schemes? To address this, I would suggest adding the results of a smoothness-constraint inversion to Fig. 2 and 7, which I believe will show the benefit of your inversion method clearly, and will highlight that the additional computational effort yields a more robust recovery of the subsurface structure.
We agree that comparing our results to other inversion strategies might help illustrate the advantages and/or disadvantages of our inversion routine. However, as also indicated in our reply to a similar comment from reviewer 1, our aim is not to compare and evaluate different inversion approaches. We rather want to present an alternative approach to image the IBPT interface and estimate uncertainties in depth and resistivity when we do not have any borehole data, which is typical in subsea permafrost studies. However, for an interested reader, we will provide the smooth inversion in an appendix (see the supplement file in answer to reviewer 1). Please note that a smooth inversion for the Bykovsky data set is already published and discussed in detail by Angelopoulos et al. (2019).
Another more fundamental comment refers to the spatial heterogeneity of the water resistivity you are trying to image. You describe the two field sites as places with different flow patterns feeding freshwater into the coastal system. I believe that this is likely causing spatial heterogeneity in the water resistivity going from the coast further into the sea. Yet, in your inversion approach, you only address the variation in the thickness of the sea-water layer, but not its resistivity. Why are you not addressing this? Is it because the variability in rho_w is small enough that it does not affect the inversion (if so, can you show that?), or is there another reason for not addressing it?
Our decision to use homogeneous resistivity for the water layer for both of our case studies is based on different CTD measurements near our ERT profiles. For the Bykovsky field site, CTD measurements offshore of the Bykovsky Peninsula in July 2017 (freely available at demonstrate that there is little vertical variation in the electrical resistivity (or conductivity) in the water column. Additionally, for a particular day (e.g., 29 July), there was up ~1 ohm-m of water resistivity variation laterally. Because we do not expect significant stratification, assuming homogeneous resistivity is appropriated. Although the CTD measurements indicate resistivity values around 13.7 ohm-m, we still allow resistivity variations between 11 and 15 ohm-m. To provide more clarity, we will add this reasoning in section 5.1.
For our Drew Point field site, CTD control points along our ERT transect indicate minimal lateral and vertical variation in water resistivity. To illustrate this, we add a supplement figure (upload as supplement material) with the CTD cast profile at different offshore distances. As noticed in this figure, water resistivity is in the order of 0.42 and 0.44 ohm-m for the first 600 m with minor variations in the vertical direction. Because we have rather small resistivity variations both horizontally and vertically, we can justify our decision to use a homogeneous resistivity for the water layer in our Drew Point example. Although the CTD measurements indicate resistivity values around 0.43 ohm-m, we still allow resistivity variations between 0.2 and 2 ohm-m. Again, for clarity, we will extend this in section 5.2.
Line 38: Although I generally agree, you may want to check out the work by Wagner et al., who show an approach to get quantitative values of ice content from joint inversion of ERT and seismic data.
We think this is an excellent reference to highlight how in a different environment like the Alps, a combination of ERT and seismic data can help to quantify ice content. We will include this reference on line 530 to support our discussion about ice-content estimation.
Line 66: It might be better to stick with resistivity here rather than changing to conductivity.
We agree. For consistency, we will replace the word conductivity with resistivity in the whole text.
Figure 1 (d) & (h): What do you mean by sounding number here? Does this refer to the measurements per level? Is there really a need for this last panel? In the text you only refer to this plot to highlight the higher noise level, but I think you can also that comparing (c) and (g).
Following common terminology, a sounding refers to a set of electrode configurations collected with different spacings around one central sounding location. In our studies, the used streamer had 10 channels and allowed us to measure ten electrode configurations with different spacings. As also suggested by reviewer 1, these plots will be removed for an updated version of the manuscript.
Line 160-161: Judging from c, it looks like levels 6 to 9 in general are noisier than the shallower ones.
We will rephrase these lines because Fig. 1d and h were removed. We will also indicate that the data starts being noiser after level 6.
Line 188: To improve clarity, it might be worth adding here how you describe the geometry of the interface. Are you using a specific function with x numbers of parameters, or do you have a layer thickness for each sounding location?
Following this comment and a similar comment from reviewer 1, we will add more details about our model and interface parameterization to section 4.1, including also the corresponding arctan function. The sum of the arctangent function can be seen as a set of coefficients (similar to 1D spline interpolation) that allows the creation of complex interfaces. More details regarding this parameterization can be found in Roy et al. (2005) and Rumpf and Tronicke (2015), which are cited in our manuscript.
Line 264: Is this an arbitrary number for the number of points of the interface, or where does it come from?
As shown in the answer of line 188, the number of points of an interface is given by your vector x (1, 2, 3,…,100). However, the number of nodes has a different meaning from the number of points of an interface. Typically, we set a smaller number of nodes because we wish to reduce the number of parameters while creating complex interfaces. As shown in Arboleda-Zapata et al. (2022), a single interface has 1 + 3 * number of nodes. We typically set this value between 3 to 7 for a distance vector of about 100-200 positions. That allows recreating relatively complex structures.
Line 265: I'm not entirely sure I follow how you get to 36? Five nodes for two interfaces should be 10 parameters describing the thickness, and then you need a resistivity for the water column, unfrozen sediments and frozen sediments.
The equation to calculate the number of parameters is shown in equation 2 in Arboleda-Zapata et al. (2022). Considering that each interface has the same number of nodes, the number of parameters is given by (n_int + 3 * n_nod * n_int) + (n_int + 1), where n_int is the number of interfaces, n_nod is the number of nodes. In our presented examples, we considered n_int = 2 and n_nod = 5, which results in 35 parameters. By checking this again, we identified a mistake, and 36 will be changed to 35. For completeness, we will add this simplified equation to the text.
Line 330: This argumentation is a bit weak. Only because you have some sensitivity does not necessarily mean that you can resolve subsurface structures and that you can interpret the inverted models.
Having some sensitivity means that a change in resistivity may impact our cost function, thus, influencing the finally found resistivity model. As we already pointed out in line 332, a more conservative way may be to start our interpretation at a position of x = -25 m where most of the sensitivity is concentrated. However, while we agree that there is less sensitivity below the outermost electrodes close to the shoreline, our interpretation of features in the ERT inverted profiles was not based on the geophysical data alone, as discussed in lines 578 - 582. For example, the cryopeg features were encountered by drilling observations reported in Bull et al. (2020) and Bristol et al. (2021). Therefore, the interpretation of the nearshore features shown in MF2 (Figure 7) is plausible. Because our answers are already stated in the original manuscript, we do not find it appropriate to further extend the statement in line 330 for such an applied manuscript.
Line 335-336: These areas seem a little suspicious to me. Why do you first get almost no sensitivity, and then a comparable high value. This does not seem to agree with the expected sensitivity pattern.
We agree that these sensitivity patterns may look odd for conventional sensitivity analysis assuming lower resistivity contrast. However, these sensitivity patterns can be obtained with such high resistivity contrast between the horizontal layers, as also pointed out by Spitzer (1998). To assess up to what point these sensitivities below the outer electrode are present, we calculated the sensitivity considering other depths to IBPT. We found that the sensitivity below the external electrodes is almost zero by setting a depth to IBPT of 20 m. Because this additional analysis does not impact our presented results, we will leave the statement in lines 335-336 as it is presented.
Line 359: Why did you choose different PSO parameters for the two different sites? To compare the results, wouldn't it be better to use the same set of parameters?
Generally, there is not a unique recipe to carry out PSO optimization. As a rule of thumb, setting the number of particles one to three times the number of parameters is a good compromise. Because we noticed that the inversion of the Drew Point data set was converging much faster than Bykovsky, we decided to lower the number of particles and the number of iterations to save some computational cost.
5.2.3 Sensitivity analysis: Having a sensitivity study for each site feels a bit repetitive. Perhaps merging the two sensitivity studies would make sense?
Although we recognize that it may sound repetitive, we found it appropriate to let it in the current positions. We wrote the sections in parallel, following the same structure and workflow. Some parameters considered in our sensitivity analysis are derived from previous subsections. We think that the current positions of the sensitivity sections are still appropriate for this manuscript, especially because the two subsea permafrost environments are so different.
Line 464 - 468: I may have missed that, but where do you show that in the 2D case. As I understand, you invert for rho_w and z_w only.
With this comment, we realized we did not mention the constraints used for our 2D inversion. We will include our considered constraints in a new version of the manuscript. Please see the answer to your second comment where we mentioned some of the considered constraints.
AC2: 'Reply on RC2', Mauricio Arboleda-Zapata, 22 Jul 2022
Peer review completion