Research article
20 Oct 2022
Research article |

20 Oct 2022
Exploring the capabilities of electrical resistivity tomography to study subsea permafrost
Mauricio Arboleda-Zapata, Michael Angelopoulos, Pier Paul Overduin, Guido Grosse, Benjamin M. Jones, and Jens Tronicke
Data sets
Conductivity, temperature and depth (CTD), snow and ice thickess and apparent resisitivity on the Bykovsky Peninsula, Lena Delta, in April and July 2017
Michael Angelopoulos, Sebastian Westermann, Pier Paul Overduin, Alexey Faguet, Vladimir Olenchenko, Guido Grosse, and Mikhail N. Grigoriev
Marine electrical resistivity data offshore of Drew Point, Alaska
M. Angelopoulos, M. Arboleda-Zapata, P. P. Overduin, B. M. Jones, J. Tronicke, and G. Grosse