Articles | Volume 14, issue 10
Research article
06 Oct 2020
Research article |  | 06 Oct 2020

Frazil ice growth and production during katabatic wind events in the Ross Sea, Antarctica

Lisa Thompson, Madison Smith, Jim Thomson, Sharon Stammerjohn, Steve Ackley, and Brice Loose

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Cited articles

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Cosimo, J. C. and Gordon, A. L.: Interannual variability in summer sea ice minimum, coastal polynyas and bottom water formation in the weddell sea, in: Antarctic sea ice: physical processes, interactions and variability, edited by: Jeffries, M. O., American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C., 74, 293–315,, 1998. 
Short summary
The offshore winds around Antarctica can reach hurricane strength and produce intense cooling, causing the surface ocean to form a slurry of seawater and ice crystals. For the first time, we observed a buildup of heat and salt in the surface ocean, caused by loose ice crystal formation. We conclude that up to 1 m of ice was formed per day by the intense cooling, suggesting that unconsolidated crystals may be an important part of the total freezing that happens around Antarctica.