Articles | Volume 13, issue 12
Brief communication
11 Dec 2019
Brief communication |  | 11 Dec 2019

Brief communication: An alternative method for estimating the scavenging efficiency of black carbon by meltwater over sea ice

Tingfeng Dou, Zhiheng Du, Shutong Li, Yulan Zhang, Qi Zhang, Mingju Hao, Chuanjin Li, Biao Tian, Minghu Ding, and Cunde Xiao

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The Cryosphere, 15, 4201–4206,,, 2021
Short summary
Trends and spatial variation in rain-on-snow events over the Arctic Ocean during the early melt season
Tingfeng Dou, Cunde Xiao, Jiping Liu, Qiang Wang, Shifeng Pan, Jie Su, Xiaojun Yuan, Minghu Ding, Feng Zhang, Kai Xue, Peter A. Bieniek, and Hajo Eicken
The Cryosphere, 15, 883–895,,, 2021
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A key factor initiating surface ablation of Arctic sea ice: earlier and increasing liquid precipitation
Tingfeng Dou, Cunde Xiao, Jiping Liu, Wei Han, Zhiheng Du, Andrew R. Mahoney, Joshua Jones, and Hajo Eicken
The Cryosphere, 13, 1233–1246,,, 2019
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A record of Antarctic sea ice extent in the Southern Indian Ocean for the past 300 yr and its relationship with global mean temperature
C. Xiao, R. Li, S. B. Sneed, T. Dou, and I. Allison
The Cryosphere Discuss.,,, 2013
Revised manuscript not accepted

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Discipline: Snow | Subject: Snow Chemistry
200-year ice core bromine reconstruction at Dome C (Antarctica): observational and modelling results
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Impacts of post-depositional processing on nitrate isotopes in the snow and the overlying atmosphere at Summit, Greenland
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The Cryosphere, 16, 2709–2724,,, 2022
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The Cryosphere, 16, 1265–1280,,, 2022
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Impacts of the photo-driven post-depositional processing on snow nitrate and its isotopes at Summit, Greenland: a model-based study
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Brief communication: Spatial and temporal variations in surface snow chemistry along a traverse from coastal East Antarctica to the ice sheet summit (Dome A)
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Short summary

Cited articles

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Dou, T., Xiao, C., Shindell, D. T., Liu, J., Eleftheriadis, K., Ming, J., and Qin, D.: The distribution of snow black carbon observed in the Arctic and compared to the GISS-PUCCINI model, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 12, 7995–8007,, 2012. 
Short summary
The meltwater scavenging coefficient (MSC) determines the BC enrichment in the surface layer of melting snow and therefore modulates the BC-snow-albedo feedbacks. This study presents a new method for MSC estimation over the sea-ice area in Arctic. Using this new method, we analyze the spatial variability of MSC in the western Arctic and demonstrate that the value in Canada Basin (23.6 % ± 2.1 %) ≈ that in Greenland (23.0 % ± 12.5 %) > that in Chukchi Sea (17.9 % ± 5.0 %) > that in Elson Lagoon (14.5 % ± 2.6 %).