Articles | Volume 11, issue 5
Research article
04 Sep 2017
Research article |  | 04 Sep 2017

Comparison of CryoSat-2 and ENVISAT radar freeboard over Arctic sea ice: toward an improved Envisat freeboard retrieval

Kevin Guerreiro, Sara Fleury, Elena Zakharova, Alexei Kouraev, Frédérique Rémy, and Philippe Maisongrande

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Revised manuscript not accepted
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Cited articles

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Short summary
We analyse CryoSat-2 and Envisat freeboard height discrepancy over Arctic sea ice and we study the potential role of ice roughness. Based on our results, we build a CryoSat-2-like version of Envisat freeboard height. The improved Envisat freeboard is converted to sea ice draught and compared to in situ mooring observations to demonstrate the potential of our methodology to produce accurate ice thickness estimates over the 2002–2012 period.