Articles | Volume 10, issue 5
Research article
28 Sep 2016
Research article |  | 28 Sep 2016

The EUMETSAT sea ice concentration climate data record

Rasmus T. Tonboe, Steinar Eastwood, Thomas Lavergne, Atle M. Sørensen, Nicholas Rathmann, Gorm Dybkjær, Leif Toudal Pedersen, Jacob L. Høyer, and Stefan Kern

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Wind redistribution of snow impacts the Ka- and Ku-band radar signatures of Arctic sea ice
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Cited articles

Andersen, S.: Monthly Arctic sea ice signatures for use in passive microwave algorithms, Danish Meteorological Institute, Technical Report 98-18, 29 pp., 1998.
Andersen, S., Tonboe, R. T., and Kaleschke, L.: Satellite thermal microwave sea ice concentration algorithm comparison, in: Arctic Sea Ice Thickness: Past, Present and Future, edited by: Wadhams, P. and Amanatidis, G., Climate Change and Natural Hazards Series, 10, EUR 22416, 2006a.
Andersen, S., Tonboe, R., Kern, S., and Schyberg, H.: Improved retrieval of sea ice total concentration from spaceborne passive microwave observations using Numerical Weather Prediction model fields: An intercomparison of nine algorithms, Remote Sens. Environ., 104, 374–392, 2006b.
Andersen, S., Toudal Pedersen, L., Heygster, G., Tonboe, R., and Kaleschke, L.: Intercomparison of passive microwave sea ice concentration retrievals over the high concentration Arctic sea ice, J. Geophys. Res., 112, C08004,, 2007.
Belchansky, G. I. and Douglas, D. C.: Seasonal comparison of sea ice concentration estimates derived from SSM/I, OKEAN, and Radarsat data, Remote Sens. Environ., 81, 67–81, 2002.
Short summary
The EUMETSAT sea ice climate record (ESICR) is based on the Nimbus 7 SMMR (1978–1987), the SSM/I (1987–2009), and the SSMIS (2003–today) microwave radiometer data. It uses a combination of two sea ice concentration algorithms with dynamical tie points, explicit atmospheric correction using numerical weather prediction data for error reduction and it comes with spatially and temporally varying uncertainty estimates describing the residual uncertainties.