Articles | Volume 18, issue 7
Brief communication
16 Jul 2024
Brief communication |  | 16 Jul 2024

Brief communication: On the potential of seismic polarity reversal to identify a thin low-velocity layer above a high-velocity layer in ice-rich rock glaciers

Jacopo Boaga, Mirko Pavoni, Alexander Bast, and Samuel Weber

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This preprint is open for discussion and under review for The Cryosphere (TC).
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Anandakrishnan, S.: Dilatant till layer near the onset of streaming flow of Ice Stream C, West Antarctica, determined by AVO (amplitude vs offset) analysis, Ann. Glaciol., 36, 283–286, 2003. 
Barone, I., Boaga, J., Carrera, A., Orozco, A., and Cassiani, G.: Tackling Lateral Variability Using Surface Waves: A Tomography-Like Approach, Surv. Geophys., 42, 317–338, 2021. 
Bast, A., Kenner, R., and Phillips, M.: Short-term cooling, drying and deceleration of an ice-rich rock glacier, EGUsphere [preprint],, 2024. 
Short summary
Reversal polarity is observed in rock glacier seismic refraction tomography. We collected several datasets observing this phenomenon in Switzerland and Italy. This phase change may be linked to interferences due to the presence of a thin low-velocity layer. Our results are confirmed by the modelling and analysis of synthetic seismograms to demonstrate that the presence of a low-velocity layer produces a polarity reversal on the seismic gather.