Articles | Volume 18, issue 6
Research article
21 Jun 2024
Research article |  | 21 Jun 2024

Temporal markers in a temperate ice core: insights from 3H and 137Cs profiles from the Adamello Glacier

Elena Di Stefano, Giovanni Baccolo, Massimiliano Clemenza, Barbara Delmonte, Deborah Fiorini, Roberto Garzonio, Margit Schwikowski, and Valter Maggi

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Cited articles

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Short summary
Rising temperatures are impacting the reliability of glaciers as environmental archives. This study reports how meltwater percolation affects the distribution of tritium and cesium, which are commonly used as temporal markers in dating ice cores, in a temperate glacier. Our findings challenge the established application of radionuclides for dating mountain ice cores and indicate tritium as the best choice.