Articles | Volume 18, issue 5
Brief communication
29 May 2024
Brief communication |  | 29 May 2024

Brief communication: Testing a portable Bullard-type temperature lance confirms highly spatially heterogeneous sediment temperatures under shallow bodies of water in the Arctic

Frederieke Miesner, William Lambert Cable, Pier Paul Overduin, and Julia Boike

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Cited articles

Abnizova, A., Siemens, J., Langer, M., and Boike, J.: Small ponds with major impact: The relevance of ponds and lakes in permafrost landscapes to carbon dioxide emissions, Global Biogeochem. Cy., 26, GB2041,, 2012. a
Arp, C. D., Jones, B. M., Grosse, G., Bondurant, A. C., Romanovsky, V. E., Hinkel, K. M., and Parsekian, A. D.: Threshold sensitivity of shallow Arctic lakes and sublake permafrost to changing winter climate, Geophys. Res. Lett., 43, 6358–6365,, 2016. a, b, c
Boike, J., Georgi, C., Kirilin, G., Muster, S., Abramova, K., Fedorova, I., Chetverova, A., Grigoriev, M., Bornemann, N., and Langer, M.: Thermal processes of thermokarst lakes in the continuous permafrost zone of northern Siberia – observations and modeling (Lena River Delta, Siberia), Biogeosciences, 12, 5941–5965,, 2015. a, b
Brown, W. G., Johnston, G. H., and Brown, R. J. E.: Comparison of observed and calculated ground temperatures with permafrost distribution under a northern lake, Can. Geotech. J., 1, 147–154, (last access: 8 May 2024), 1964. a
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Short summary
The temperature in the sediment below Arctic lakes determines the stability of the permafrost and microbial activity. However, measurements are scarce because of the remoteness. We present a robust and portable device to fill this gap. Test campaigns have demonstrated its utility in a range of environments during winter and summer. The measured temperatures show a great variability within and across locations. The data can be used to validate models and estimate potential emissions.