Articles | Volume 17, issue 2
Brief communication
14 Feb 2023
Brief communication |  | 14 Feb 2023

Brief communication: Combining borehole temperature, borehole piezometer and cross-borehole electrical resistivity tomography measurements to investigate seasonal changes in ice-rich mountain permafrost

Marcia Phillips, Chasper Buchli, Samuel Weber, Jacopo Boaga, Mirko Pavoni, and Alexander Bast

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EGUsphere,,, 2025
This preprint is open for discussion and under review for Earth Surface Dynamics (ESurf).
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Assessment and comparison of thermal stabilisation measures at an Alpine permafrost site, Switzerland
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This preprint is open for discussion and under review for The Cryosphere (TC).
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Short-term cooling, drying, and deceleration of an ice-rich rock glacier
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In situ observations of the Swiss periglacial environment using GNSS instruments
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Spectral induced polarization imaging to monitor seasonal and annual dynamics of frozen ground at a mountain permafrost site in the Italian Alps
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Cited articles

Arenson, L. U., Harrington, J. S., Koenig, C. E. M., and Wainstein, P. A.: Mountain Permafrost Hydrology-A Practical Review Following Studies from the Andes, Geosciences, 12, 48,, 2022. 
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Binley, A.: 11.08 – Tools and Techniques: Electrical Methods, in: Treatise on Geophysics (Second Edition), edited by: Schubert, G., Elsevier, Oxford, 233–259,, 2015. 
Binley, A. and Slater, L.: Resistivity and Induced Polarization, in: Resistivity and Induced Polarization: Theory and Applications to the Near-Surface Earth, edited by: Binley, A. and Slater, L., Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,, 2020. 
Blanchy, G., Saneiyan, S., Boyd, J., McLachlan, P., and Binley, A.: ResIPy, an intuitive open source software for complex geoelectrical inversion/modeling, Comput. Geosci., 137, 104423,, 2020. 
Short summary
A new combination of temperature, water pressure and cross-borehole electrical resistivity data is used to investigate ice/water contents in an ice-rich rock glacier. The landform is close to 0°C and has locally heterogeneous characteristics, ice/water contents and temperatures. The techniques presented continuously monitor temporal and spatial phase changes to a depth of 12 m and provide the basis for a better understanding of accelerating rock glacier movements and future water availability.