Articles | Volume 12, issue 10
Research article
17 Oct 2018
Research article |  | 17 Oct 2018

A temperature- and stress-controlled failure criterion for ice-filled permafrost rock joints

Philipp Mamot, Samuel Weber, Tanja Schröder, and Michael Krautblatter

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Cited articles

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Short summary
Most of the observed failures in permafrost-affected alpine rock walls are likely triggered by the mechanical destabilisation of warming bedrock permafrost including ice-filled joints. We present a systematic study of the brittle shear failure of ice and rock–ice contacts along rock joints in a simulated depth ≤ 30 m and at temperatures from −10 to −0.5 °C. Warming and sudden reduction in rock overburden due to the detachment of an upper rock mass lead to a significant drop in shear resistance.