Articles | Volume 12, issue 10
Research article
11 Oct 2018
Research article |  | 11 Oct 2018

Carbonaceous material export from Siberian permafrost tracked across the Arctic Shelf using Raman spectroscopy

Robert B. Sparkes, Melissa Maher, Jerome Blewett, Ayça Doğrul Selver, Örjan Gustafsson, Igor P. Semiletov, and Bart E. van Dongen

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Cited articles

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Beyssac, O., Rouzaud, J., Goffe, B., Brunet, F., and Chopin, C.: Graphitization in a high-pressure, low-temperature metamorphic gradient: a Raman microspectroscopy and HRTEM study, Contrib. Mineral. Petr., 143, 19–31,, 2002b. a, b, c, d, e
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Beyssac, O., Simoes, M., Avouac, J., Farley, K., Chen, Y.-G., Chan, Y.-C., and Goffe, B.: Late Cenozoic metamorphic evolution and exhumation of Taiwan, Tectonics, 26, TC6001–1–32,, 2007. a, b
Short summary
Ongoing climate change in the Siberian Arctic region has the potential to release large amounts of carbon, currently stored in permafrost, to the Arctic Shelf. Degradation can release this to the atmosphere as greenhouse gas. We used Raman spectroscopy to analyse a fraction of this carbon, carbonaceous material, a group that includes coal, lignite and graphite. We were able to trace this carbon from the river mouths and coastal erosion sites across the Arctic shelf for hundreds of kilometres.