Articles | Volume 14, issue 6
Research article
18 Jun 2020
Research article |  | 18 Jun 2020

A quasi-annual record of time-transgressive esker formation: implications for ice-sheet reconstruction and subglacial hydrology

Stephen J. Livingstone, Emma L. M. Lewington, Chris D. Clark, Robert D. Storrar, Andrew J. Sole, Isabelle McMartin, Nico Dewald, and Felix Ng

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Cited articles

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Beaud, F., Flowers, G. E., and Venditti, J. G.: Modeling Sediment Transport in Ice-Walled Subglacial Channels and Its Implications for Esker Formation and Proglacial Sediment Yields, J. Geophys. Res.-Earth Surf., 123, 3206–3227,, 2018. 
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Short summary
We map series of aligned mounds (esker beads) across central Nunavut, Canada. Mounds are interpreted to have formed roughly annually as sediment carried by subglacial rivers is deposited at the ice margin. Chains of mounds are formed as the ice retreats. This high-resolution (annual) record allows us to constrain the pace of ice retreat, sediment fluxes, and the style of drainage through time. In particular, we suggest that eskers in general record a composite signature of ice-marginal drainage.