Articles | Volume 18, issue 6
Research article
20 Jun 2024
Research article |  | 20 Jun 2024

Microstructure-based simulations of the viscous densification of snow and firn

Kévin Fourteau, Johannes Freitag, Mika Malinen, and Henning Löwe

Data sets

WFJ_RHOSSA: Multi-instrument stratigraphy data for the seasonal evolution of an alpine snowpack N. Calonne et al.

Short summary
Understanding the settling of snow under its own weight has applications from avalanche forecasts to ice core interpretations. We study how this settling can be modeled using 3D images of the internal structure of snow and ice deformation mechanics. We found that classical ice mechanics, as used, for instance, in glacier flow, explain the compaction of dense polar snow but not that of lighter seasonal snow. How, exactly, the ice deforms during light snow compaction thus remains an open question.