Articles | Volume 18, issue 3
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Grain growth of ice doped with soluble impurities
Qinyu Wang
Key Laboratory of Earth and Planetary Physics, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100029, China
College of Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 101408, China
Sheng Fan
Department of Geology, University of Otago, Ōtepoti / Dunedin, Aotearoa / New Zealand
Department of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
RSC, Te Whanganui-a-Tara / Wellington, Aotearoa / New Zealand
Key Laboratory of Earth and Planetary Physics, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100029, China
College of Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 101408, China
Related authors
Qinyu Wang, Sheng Fan, Daniel H. Richards, Rachel Worthington, David J. Prior, and Chao Qi
The Cryosphere, 19, 827–848,,, 2025
Short summary
Short summary
Ice often exhibits a single-cluster fabric when deformed to high strains in glaciers and ice sheets. Using the equal-channel angular pressing technique, we achieved high shear strains in laboratory experiments and examined the fabrics. We investigated the evolutions of fabric and recrystallization mechanisms with strain. The results suggest that rotation recrystallization dominates fabric development when ice is deformed to high strains, explaining the fabrics found in natural ice.
Qinyu Wang, Sheng Fan, Daniel H. Richards, Rachel Worthington, David J. Prior, and Chao Qi
The Cryosphere, 19, 827–848,,, 2025
Short summary
Short summary
Ice often exhibits a single-cluster fabric when deformed to high strains in glaciers and ice sheets. Using the equal-channel angular pressing technique, we achieved high shear strains in laboratory experiments and examined the fabrics. We investigated the evolutions of fabric and recrystallization mechanisms with strain. The results suggest that rotation recrystallization dominates fabric development when ice is deformed to high strains, explaining the fabrics found in natural ice.
Sheng Fan, David J. Prior, Brent Pooley, Hamish Bowman, Lucy Davidson, David Wallis, Sandra Piazolo, Chao Qi, David L. Goldsby, and Travis F. Hager
The Cryosphere, 17, 3443–3459,,, 2023
Short summary
Short summary
The microstructure of ice controls the behaviour of polar ice flow. Grain growth can modify the microstructure of ice; however, its processes and kinetics are poorly understood. We conduct grain-growth experiments on synthetic and natural ice samples at 0 °C. Microstructural data show synthetic ice grows continuously with time. In contrast, natural ice does not grow within a month. The inhibition of grain growth in natural ice is largely contributed by bubble pinning at ice grain boundaries.
Franz Lutz, David J. Prior, Holly Still, M. Hamish Bowman, Bia Boucinhas, Lisa Craw, Sheng Fan, Daeyeong Kim, Robert Mulvaney, Rilee E. Thomas, and Christina L. Hulbe
The Cryosphere, 16, 3313–3329,,, 2022
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Ice crystal alignment in the sheared margins of fast-flowing polar ice is important as it may control the ice sheet flow rate, from land to the ocean. Sampling shear margins is difficult because of logistical and safety considerations. We show that crystal alignments in a glacier shear margin in Antarctica can be measured using sound waves. Results from a seismic experiment on the 50 m scale and from ultrasonic experiments on the decimetre scale match ice crystal measurements from an ice core.
Lisa Craw, Adam Treverrow, Sheng Fan, Mark Peternell, Sue Cook, Felicity McCormack, and Jason Roberts
The Cryosphere, 15, 2235–2250,,, 2021
Short summary
Short summary
Ice sheet and ice shelf models rely on data from experiments to accurately represent the way ice moves. Performing experiments at the temperatures and stresses that are generally present in nature takes a long time, and so there are few of these datasets. Here, we test the method of speeding up an experiment by running it initially at a higher temperature, before dropping to a lower target temperature to generate the relevant data. We show that this method can reduce experiment time by 55 %.
Morgan E. Monz, Peter J. Hudleston, David J. Prior, Zachary Michels, Sheng Fan, Marianne Negrini, Pat J. Langhorne, and Chao Qi
The Cryosphere, 15, 303–324,,, 2021
Short summary
Short summary
We present full crystallographic orientations of warm, coarse-grained ice deformed in a shear setting, enabling better characterization of how crystals in glacial ice preferentially align as ice flows. A commonly noted c-axis pattern, with several favored orientations, may result from bias due to overcounting large crystals with complex 3D shapes. A new sample preparation method effectively increases the sample size and reduces bias, resulting in a simpler pattern consistent with the ice flow.
Sheng Fan, Travis F. Hager, David J. Prior, Andrew J. Cross, David L. Goldsby, Chao Qi, Marianne Negrini, and John Wheeler
The Cryosphere, 14, 3875–3905,,, 2020
Short summary
Short summary
We performed uniaxial compression experiments on synthetic ice samples. We report ice microstructural evolution at –20 and –30 °C that has never been reported before. Microstructural data show the opening angle of c-axis cones decreases with increasing strain or with decreasing temperature, suggesting a more active grain rotation. CPO intensity weakens with temperature because CPO of small grains is weaker, and it can be explained by grain boundary sliding or nucleation with random orientations.
Chao Qi, David J. Prior, Lisa Craw, Sheng Fan, Maria-Gema Llorens, Albert Griera, Marianne Negrini, Paul D. Bons, and David L. Goldsby
The Cryosphere, 13, 351–371,,, 2019
Short summary
Short summary
Ice deformed in nature develops crystallographic preferred orientations, CPOs, which induce an anisotropy in ice viscosity. Shear experiments of ice revealed a transition in CPO with changing temperature/strain, which is due to the change of dominant CPO-formation mechanism: strain-induced grain boundary migration dominates at higher temperatures and lower strains, while lattice rotation dominates at other conditions. Understanding these mechanisms aids the interpretation of CPOs in natural ice.
Related subject area
Discipline: Ice sheets | Subject: Rheology
The role of grain size evolution in the rheology of ice: implications for reconciling laboratory creep data and the Glen flow law
Temperature and strain controls on ice deformation mechanisms: insights from the microstructures of samples deformed to progressively higher strains at −10, −20 and −30 °C
Mark D. Behn, David L. Goldsby, and Greg Hirth
The Cryosphere, 15, 4589–4605,,, 2021
Short summary
Short summary
Grain size is a key microphysical property of ice, controlling the rheological behavior of ice sheets and glaciers. In this study, we develop a new model for grain size evolution in ice and show that it accurately predicts grain size in laboratory experiments and in natural ice core data. The model provides a physical explanation for the power-law relationship between stress and strain rate known as the Glen law and can be used as a predictive tool for modeling ice flow in natural systems.
Sheng Fan, Travis F. Hager, David J. Prior, Andrew J. Cross, David L. Goldsby, Chao Qi, Marianne Negrini, and John Wheeler
The Cryosphere, 14, 3875–3905,,, 2020
Short summary
Short summary
We performed uniaxial compression experiments on synthetic ice samples. We report ice microstructural evolution at –20 and –30 °C that has never been reported before. Microstructural data show the opening angle of c-axis cones decreases with increasing strain or with decreasing temperature, suggesting a more active grain rotation. CPO intensity weakens with temperature because CPO of small grains is weaker, and it can be explained by grain boundary sliding or nucleation with random orientations.
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Short summary
We explored how the grain size of polycrystalline ice is affected by soluble impurities by conducting experiments on ice-containing salts. Results showed that above/below the eutectic point, impurities enhance/hinder grain growth, due to production of melts/precipitation of salt hydrates. Our findings offer insights into the dynamics of natural ice masses.
We explored how the grain size of polycrystalline ice is affected by soluble impurities by...