Articles | Volume 17, issue 2
13 Feb 2023
Comment/reply |  | 13 Feb 2023

Comment on “Ice content and interannual water storage changes of an active rock glacier in the dry Andes of Argentina” by Halla et al. (2021)

W. Brian Whalley

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Cited articles

Halla, C., Blöthe, J. H., Tapia Baldis, C., Trombotto Liaudat, D., Hilbich, C., Hauck, C., and Schrott, L.: Ice content and interannual water storage changes of an active rock glacier in the dry Andes of Argentina, The Cryosphere, 15, 1187–1213,, 2021. 
Milana, J. P. and Güell, A.: Diferencias mecánicas e hídricas del permafrost en glaciares de rocas glacigénicos y criogénicos, obtenidas de datos sísmicos en El Tapado, Chile, Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argentina, 63, 310–325, 2008. 
Monnier, S., Kinnard, C., Surazakov, A., and Bossy, W.: Geomorphology, internal structure, and successive development of a glacier foreland in the semiarid Chilean Andes (Cerro Tapado, upper Elqui Valley, 30 08 S., 69 55 W.), Geomorphology, 207, 126–140, 2014. 
Schaffer, N., MacDonell, S., Réveillet, M., Yáñez, E., and Valois, R.: Rock glaciers as a water resource in a changing climate in the semiarid Chilean Andes, Reg. Environ. Change, 19, 1263–1279, 2019. 
Whalley, W. B.: Gruben glacier and rock glacier, Wallis, Switzerland: glacier ice exposures and their interpretation, Geogr. Ann. A, 102, 141–161, 2020. 
Short summary
Examination of recent Google Earth images of glaciers and rock glaciers in the Dry Andes has sufficient detail to show surface meltwater pools. These pools have exposures of glacier ice that core the rock glaciers with volume loss. Such pools are seen on debris-covered glaciers and rock glaciers worldwide and cast doubt on the permafrost origin of rock glaciers.